Being joiners with vast know-how that dates back to 1909, gave us a cutting edge in precious timbers and veneers’ grading, sourcing, storing, processing, and finishing. Our clients (Joiners, carpenters, architects, owners, and contract furniture manufactures) draw on that edge in producing their beautiful and unique pieces. We source our materials from Saw Mills all over the world, where we have done business with for decades. We personally inspect every log or veneer flitch that we purchase. Our clients can be guaranteed quality and reliability (constant supply and variable dimensions).

African Ebony (Diospyros Crassiflora)

Blackwood (Dalbergia Melanoxylon)

Kingwood (Dalbergia Cearensis)

Ziricote (Cordia Dodecandra)

Ebony Macassar (Diospyros Celebica)

Cocobolo (Dalbergia Retusa)

Indian Rosewood (Dalbergia Latifolia)

Brazilian Rosewood (Dalbergia Nigra)

Santos Rosewood (Machaerium Scleroxylon)

Lebanese Cedar (Cedrus Libani)